If you experience any problems during your stay, please contact reception or the on-site representative so that we can do everything we can to remedy the situation.
Any issue must be reported to a representative of the Company or the establishment (reception team, representative, etc.) within 24 hours of arrival at the latest.
If, despite the actions of our correspondents, the problem remains, you can submit your complaint with a detailed description.
You can also contact us with photos or any other information that may be useful for the study of your request.
In order to ensure that your complaint is dealt with correctly, it must be submitted in writing and sent after your stay via the Help Centre form by selecting "Complaint" in the "Type of request" field.
In order to be able to process your request, you will need to provide us with the following information:
- Booking number.
- Dates of your stay.
- Name of the campsite where you stayed.
As soon as we receive your request, it will be forwarded as soon as possible and carefully studied by our Customer Service.
A reply will then be sent to you by post within approximately one month.
(In order to facilitate these exchanges, we would ask you not to make multiple requests for the same complaint (so as not to delay its processing).